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» Home » Dating Advice »  How to choose a bride among thousands of profiles

How to choose a bride among thousands of profiles

By Russian Brides | Published  11/26/2005 | Dating Advice |
The Art of Scanning: Be Ruthless

The objective of this first step, and the second, is to identify a short list of potential partners and decide which ones you feel you would like to become better acquainted with. The first step requires you to be focused and ruthless in your method. But you should read through each of the letters you received quickly, to get an idea of the person?s values, attitudes, and interests. This time, you don?t need to make notes, you are gauging your first impression only; what stands out, or rather, who? Put those who stand out to you on your Hot List. This way you can easily retrieve the profiles when the time comes.

On Closer Inspection: The Second Reading

Once you have scanned through the correspondence and have a reasonable list of women you are interested in, you need to read their online profiles again. This time you adopt a different perspective, by reviewing each profile in depth. At this point, you might want a pen and paper handy to note down both the details that stood out to you when you first read the profile (if you remember), and any new details that you didn?t notice before, but find interesting.

This is a serious process. If you are truly serious about finding a relationship, you have to make a considerable effort. This is every bit one of the most important processes you will ever embark upon, so you need to be serious. An online dating service can only provide the tools and the opportunities. No one but you can do the groundwork.

Objective Correspondence

By now you should have a short list; steps one and two should have boiled down your list to several Russian women who appear to share your values and interests. When you reach this point, it is time to shift gears. You will now begin to construct direct letters. If you haven?t already, now is the time to take out your notepad, as you will want to write down perhaps the ten things you really want to know about these women that will help you decide whether they are good potential partners for you?

Here are some suggestions:

1. Does she want children?

2. Is she looking for a serious long-term relationship?

3. Would she consider marriage?

4. Is she prepared to move overseas?

Much of the information, such as whether or not a woman has children, can be found in her profile, but you may still want to clarify such details, and use them as means of opening up the discussion about interests and values, which will ultimately become the deciding factors in this screening process.

Communication is Key

You shouldn?t hesitate to look at the profiles to scrutinize the interests. It?s a good idea also to build communication on these points: if she likes reading, ask her what books she read recently or if she likes to use a sewing machine, what does she do in her spare time? These are just example questions, but it?s clear from these how to go about opening up a conversation. After all, the correspondence is the single most important step to finding your Russian bride; the one and only woman you will be prepared to spend the rest of your life with.

The correspondence not only allows you to get to know each other, it allows you to determine if you are both really serious about the relationship, and desirous to build a foundation from which you feel safe and comfortable moving to the next step; meeting in person.