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» Home » Dating Advice »  Long-distance relationship: Lover?s Guide on how to handle your affairs

Long-distance relationship: Lover?s Guide on how to handle your affairs

By Russian Brides | Published  11/26/2005 | Dating Advice |
First things first...

The first thing you should now about long-distance relationships is that despite the difficulties, they can be a success; with a bit of work put in by both partners. The good news is that if you can sustain a long-distance relationship, you are very likely to be able to maintain this relationship when finally you are living together and married, if that?s what you plan. Long-distance may be a very good test for how you can be together long-term.

Maintaining a long-distance relationship, with a friend, girlfriend, fianc?e, or wife, is about commitment ? being committed and demonstrating that commitment as much as you can ? as well as keeping your partner in mind as much as possible and finding ways to share your day-to-day experiences with them. It is also about patience. You need to stay calm and be patient until you finally meet in person.

Foreign Affairs: how to handle them...

If you decide to marry a Russian woman ? any foreign woman, actually ? and you are an American; the reality is that you and your fianc?e or wife will have to spend several months, probably longer, apart because of immigration paperwork. The process for obtaining a K-1 fianc?e visa or a marriage-based green card isn?t too difficult, but does require time and effort.

You will have met your Russian bride and spent a lot of time getting to know her before you reach the stage where you have to endure several months of anticipation and separation. It is very important to have at least one meeting in person, both as a test of your relationship and for immigration purposes. As a standard practice couples are required to meet in person before they proceed with marriage-based green card applications.

Your meetings should be one of the first life-lines for your relationship. Make as much as you can of the time you spent with your Russian bride, whether it was in your country, or hers. Treasure photographs, share memories with your friends and family if you can; and of course, talk or write to your Russian bride, telling her how much you value the time you have already spent together. Look at it this way: your life together is not about to start, it has already started.

Passing the Time: How to Make Up for the Distance and Time Apart...

Another life line for you, if you have decided on marrying, is the amount of planning you have to do as a couple to, organize and plan to the integration of your lives. You can make the most of these tasks, talking the plans through with your bride or corresponding. Find out important things and learn more about each other?s values and attitudes.

You can also exchange photographs and plans if you are intending to set up a house or apartment together. Perhaps you are planning on moving into a new home when your bride arrives.

The general message, as you may have gathered, is that there are plenty of ways to fuel a long-distance relationship, filling the months that you have to be apart by maintaining regular contact via telephone and e-mail. There is a lot you can do while you are still apart so use this time wisely. The trick is to be creative!