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» Home » Russian Women »  Crossed Wires? Your first phone call to a Russian woman. A daunting prospect?

Crossed Wires? Your first phone call to a Russian woman. A daunting prospect?

By Russian Brides | Published  11/26/2005 | Russian Women |
Getting Over Your Nerves

Of course, you are nervous when it comes time to making the call. Most of us are! It?s a good idea to arrange a definite time to make the call. Don?t specify a day, in case something comes up for either one of you; instead tell your bride that you will try and call around say, 10pm her time ?one day next week?. And keep trying until; just like you, something might come up for her on the day you decide to call. Make sure you call when you have had sufficient rest. You need to be in good frame of mind and in good shape, even though it?s only a telephone conversation. That way you will feel confident. You should also think of your Russian bride as potentially your future spouse ? you would feel comfortable speaking to her, wouldn?t you?

Language Barriers and How to Overcome Them?

What could really become a problem, of course, is that you may run out of things to say to each other, or, worse still, that you won?t be able to understand each other. This happens to all of us and you probably will not be an exception. Moreover, you don?t speak Russian, and, her spoken English doesn?t match up to her written English; as she may not have enough time to consult her dictionary while you speak. You therefore have to take it easy, you can always substitute words with a smile and a laugh, make it fun. You?re both in the same boat! It makes sense to prepare several phrases that you may use to avoid uncomfortable silences. Things like ?I like you a lot?, ?I am serious about our relationship? ? get these phrases in Russian, written down phonetically in English. Be straight. Do tell her important things even if they are too common or you have already said this to her a dozen times, such as ?I missed you?. Simple warm signs of caring make us comfortable and secure.

Loversplanet can advise members when it comes to constructing a conversation, offering some guidance on basic Russian phrases and how to pronounce them without speaking Russian. Please contact Customer Care with an outline of your anticipated telephone conversation and we will work with you to make this conversation effective.

Calls are expensive? Not anymore!

In the past you usually ran a very long phone bill making long-distance phone calls to Russia . Today, you can still pay a lot if you use a national telephone operator or, even worse, make a call from your cell phone. However, you can save a lot of money by using one of the International Calling Card available in most newspaper agents, supermarkets, and post offices. Usually you purchase a calling card with a nominal value of $5, $10 or $20. All you have to do to make the call, is dial a toll-free number and key the special code printed on the card (the toll free number is also on the back of the card).. A call to Moscow usually costs between 10 and 2 cents per minute, depending on the company you choose. It?s probably cheaper than what you currently pay for a local call! If you need advice on choosing a long-distance calling operator, please call us.