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» Home » Russian Brides »  ?Roses are Red; Violets are Blue? and I bought these just for you!?

?Roses are Red; Violets are Blue? and I bought these just for you!?

By Anna Larina | Published  11/26/2005 | Russian Brides | Unrated
How to show you care? long distance!

In January 2006 Loversplanet is planning to launch an online shop, through which you will be able to purchase gifts ? cosmetics and perfumes primarily? for your Russian bride.

These gifts will be deliverable to your Russian brides in practically any location in Russia and the Ukraine . In the mean time, you have a number of options, which we will consider below.

Where to buy?

Depending on what you intend to buy for your Russian bride, plenty of online stores are available that will allow for shipping to and around Russia . Using, for example, you can ship certain items to your bride. You might like to buy her something as personal as a book, a music CD or a children?s toy! Russian women love teddy bears and the like. At some point you will want to find out what music she likes, and perhaps get a copy yourself!

Still, a lot of reputable international companies may not provide shipping services to Russia or Ukraine . If you wish to send something special we can assist you in this even before our online shop is on the go and irrespective if we stock an item you may wish to present or not. We can discuss with you what would be an ideal gift for your bride considering her values and interests. We can then find the item at the best price either locally or internationally and make all shipping arrangements. Contact us for more information.

What to buy?

When it comes to buying presents for your bride, it is probably safest to go with the traditional options at first; chocolates, flowers, cosmetics, and perfumes rarely miss their target; various accessories are also a nice token at the beginning of your relationship but be careful with the clothing items, it is difficult to guess the preference of a woman.

As you get to know your Russian bride better, you will need to study her tastes and preferences in greater depth. A lot of men do not know what to get their partners for birthdays, even after years of a successful relationship. Well, try and put your best foot forward; learn about about what your Russian bride likes and what she values most. A DVD with a recent football game may not constitute a smash-hit present. Find out about her locality and places that you can contact to send her and her family special treats, including groceries, take out dinners, or special presents. If your bride has a child, it would be a particularly nice gesture to send them a present as well, as, if you decide to get married, you will be a step-father, and it?s important to demonstrate to your bride that you are prepared to care for her children as well. If you need assistance or simply an advice, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you.

What not to send or buy into?

Do not send cash to your bride. Your Russian bride may be trustworthy and sincere, however, it is still a fact that cash feeds scammers and until you are very confident in your relationship avoid sending cash. Bear in mind that cash is also not the most romantic of offerings, so in most circumstances it doesn?t send a particularly positive message about you. It implies that you didn?t manage to understand what the person values and likes. Or perhaps you didn?t have the time? Making a good present requires effort and you want to show to your partner that you made this effort.

Above all, be creative; be sensitive, and attentive: the ideas for presents will come to you! If they don?t, let us know and we can send them to you by email!