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» Home » Dating Advice »  Romeo meet Juliet... A Match Made In Heaven

Romeo meet Juliet... A Match Made In Heaven

By Russian Brides | Published  11/26/2005 | Dating Advice |
Two Key Questions... The Lover?s Questionnaire

Well, there are two questions to ask and answer. The first is do you love her? The second is does she love you? If the answer to both questions is yes, as it very well may be, then, congratulations, you have found your perfect match. A perfect match is not something that can be quantified or identified, instead, it is something you know when it comes, you can feel it with your heart and often, you cannot explain it.

As nothing is ever black and white, you might feel that you need more time to think about marriage. Your Russian bride might want more time too. If this is the case, it is good news as it shows that both of you are serious about your relationship. But, the likelihood is that you will both have a pretty good idea if love is in the air; when you and your Russian bride are a perfect match!

Comfort Zones?

Perhaps the most important quality of a successful long-term relationship is the ability of partners to be comfortable together. Ask yourself how comfortable you are with your bride. When you speak on the phone, when you write to each other, and when you met in person; do you feel as if this is a person you trust? Do you feel comfortable with her attitudes, her view point on specific issues? Does she do most things the way you would have done? Do you feel that you can be yourself with her; that you can laugh together? They say that the bedrock of a good relationship is laughter, after all. Can you confidently state that you will be happy with this specific person?

Understanding Equals Love?

You will also want to consider how readily you understand your bride. Not how well you understand her improving English but how you sympathize with her thoughts and feelings; her reactions and actions. You are looking at developing a long-term, intimate relationship. It is vitally important for your well being and hers that you are able to sympathize with your partner on very many levels, and understand her world view. A successful happy relationship is all about how you can merge her world view with yours. But do remember that you naturally will have some issues were there is scope for debate. This is essential and necessary. Sometimes I think about this way: if my partner?s world view was exactly the same as mine I would probably become bored. That is almost like being on your own. Think about it.

So is your Russian bride a perfect match for you? Once you find your perfect match you will understand that it is you, only you, who could have answered this question! When you love someone it is difficult to describe exactly why you love that person. You just know it! It is independent of any specific values or qualities.