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» Home » Russian Brides »  I have found my Russian Bride, I know she is the one, what do I do next?

I have found my Russian Bride, I know she is the one, what do I do next?

By Russian Brides | Published  11/26/2005 | Russian Brides |
Hear Wedding Bells and learn what to do when you?ve found your Russian Bride.

Before you propose

Before you proceed with proposing a marriage, think everything over. Make sure you are prepared for a serious commitment. Speak to your bride to understand that she is serious and is prepared to take one step further. Speak with your best friend, your family and ask for their opinion. You want to be comfortable with your decision. You also want those people close to you to be comfortable with your Russian bride.

Propose: There?s no time better than the present?

When you?ve decided you?ve met your Russian wife, you should, when you feel the time is right, propose marriage; presuming this is the end goal for you both. You will have to be married to prove commitment to each other. Most Russian women are striving for marriage as opposed to a long-term relationship. They are not afraid of commitment. Most Russian women wish to create a family and to raise children. So, think of some romantic way of popping the question. Be confident and show you are very serious and committed. If you do, she will not resist.. And do it early, you?ve got so much ahead together! You are starting a new life!

Planning is pivotal to success

First things first, if you haven?t already, it is a good idea to talk to your fianc?e about plans; where you are going to live together, when and where you want to get married, what you are going to do about inviting relatives, etc. There are a hundred and one details to discuss. Make sure you are in agreement with each other and do everything together. Do not turn you relationship into a wedding race full of stress and pressure. Allow yourselves plenty of time to do everything in your own pace so that you can enjoy the preparation process.

Develop some idea of what you and your fianc?e want to do; how you want to go about getting married and starting your life together. It is very important to discuss what each of you will do after marriage. Most couples focus their discussions merely around the wedding ceremony and after they marry they discover a lot of issues that have not been discussed. Specifically, talk with your wife about what she is planning to do after marriage. Will she stay at home and look after children or is she willing to get a job? Make sure your expectations are lined up. Planning for the future is pivotal to success. Planning allows you to be in control of your life which is especially important at the beginning of your marriage when you are building the foundation for the future.

Start Spreading the News!

Obviously, when you have something between a rough or definitive plan of how you and your family are going to go about getting married and starting a life together, both you and your fianc?e will want to tell your families ? if you haven?t already ? and letting them in on the details.

Probably you and your Russian bride aren?t sure about how to approach your families, so you might want to make up a cover story together before you tell them you?re getting married. It is your happiness ? share it with those who are close to you!

Happily Ever After?

Once you have found your Russian bride and you have decided to marry, you have a whole future to prepare yourself for. For heaven?s sake, enjoy yourself and get romantic ? if you haven?t already!