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» Home » Russian Brides »  This land was made for you and I - Introducing your Russian bride to America

This land was made for you and I - Introducing your Russian bride to America

By Russian Brides | Published  11/26/2005 | Russian Brides |
The Grass Is Greener on the Other Side

Moving to a new country is not always easy. When you bring your new bride to the United States , there are many things she will have to adjust to; most of which won?t occur to either of you beforehand. But don?t worry and take things as they come. You have the opportunity to share a wonderful country with your bride.

Making the Most of Family Time

One of the most obvious ways to introduce your bride to America is to introduce her to your immediate world. Introducing your new wife to your family, if you haven?t already done so, is a good starting point. You should encourage your family, parents, siblings, whoever they may be, to spend time with you and your wife. Making that extra effort to spend time as a family will help your wife feel welcomed and it?ll also provide a nice environment for her to grow accustomed to speaking English. Even if her English is exceptionally good, speaking a foreign language all the time is something you have to get used to gradually. It can at first be quite tiring, as you have to listen particularly closely to understand what is being said.

Introducing your wife to your friends and colleagues is also a good idea, for the same reasons. Not only are you showing her your day to day life, you?re also including her in it. It?s yet another sign of your commitment to her that will probably be quite comforting and encouraging.

Time Together... Making It Count

Undoubtedly you and your new bride want to spend plenty of time alone together too, and there?s plenty to do that will help your wife grow used to life in America that?ll also be a romantic and fun experience for both of you. For example, if you live in a major city, like New York , you can take time to show your wife the different neighborhoods. Walking and cycling around, stopping off at coffee shops and restaurants when you want can foster a real sense of excitement for you both; right down to showing your wife around the local grocery store and pharmacy by shopping together. If you live in the country and rely primarily on cars to travel, it?s a good idea to encourage your wife to drive around ? with you as the navigator ? so she can get used to the highways and byways.

Above and Beyond...

Naturally, your wife may be interested in finding a job, and if she is it?s something you should encourage. Not only is this a great way for her to make new friends and polish her English, it?ll also help her become established in America and allow her to experience a sense of independence in the country. Again, moving to a foreign country can be quite daunting for the first while, so confidence building is important and very positive.

Taking baby steps in the beginning of your marriage to adjust to your life together will pay off. You and your wife will both appreciate the beauty of sharing your lives together in America .