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» Home » Mail Order Brides »  Mailing It In: Mail Order Brides and the Future of Dating

Mailing It In: Mail Order Brides and the Future of Dating

By Russian Brides | Published  11/26/2005 | Mail Order Brides |
Mail Order Bride - An International Concept

You may have decided that you?d like to find a bride in Eastern Europe because you like women from the region, but the mail order bride industry is going global. Research on the internet and you?ll encounter American, Latino, Philippine, Mexican, Asian, European brides; you name it. Marriage-minded women from all over the world have signed up to become, to all intent and purposes, mail order brides. And, to reiterate, they aren?t crazy! They have simply not found that special person locally.

Why Become A Mail Order Bride?

The term has such a negative connotation it?s startling to many men that women would go in for it. The reality is that online dating is the future, and mail order brides is the future for finding marriage-minded women who are ready to make the necessary commitment to a long-term relationship or to marriage.

That?s not to say that all women will want to become mail order brides. The point is that some women want to fall in love, get married and create a family. The fact that they use a systematic approach and sign up with an online dating service only reinforces their serious attitude. They don?t want to live with a man a couple of years to see if things work out; the old ?what happens next? gig.

Why Mail Order Brides?

In the past, there was established protocol for dating and marriage. For example, parents often decided who their children should marry, taking into consideration, not their children?s feelings, but factors such as wealth and social status. In the modern society, these protocols have been virtually eradicated, but traditional dating is still very limiting, particularly for individuals who are very serious about getting married. In fact, Warren Baffet, one of the wealthiest men in America , was so concerned by his inability to find a wife that he asked every girl to marry him and told them that he would become a millionaire before turning thirty. He did. There are plenty of men who have faced situations similar to this, who could enjoy an entirely different experience by signing up at, as you will surely realize.