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» Home » Russian Women »  Why do Russian women search for a foreign husband?

Why do Russian women search for a foreign husband?

By Anna Larina | Published  11/12/2005 | Russian Women | Rating:
What are the motives of Russian Women?

Whilst the reasons of no two women are exactly the same, many Russian women express frustration with their male counterparts. They complain that Russian men are too laid back and irresponsible to be good husbands and fathers. To have a family and provide security, it is essential for both partners to be committed and hard-working. Most American men have a very strong work-ethic; many are workaholics for the benefit of their families, which Russian women find very appealing.

Workaholics and homebodies: a perfect match?

Most people conscious of the difference in mentality and behavior between men and women will probably point out that seemingly career or work-orientated men are actually family-orientated. According to a typical man?s reasoning, the best thing a man can do for his family is be the provider and protector. In the modern world, that means he becomes the money-maker. European women tend to be able to balance; to maintain their careers and still keep their family as their focus. Probably contributing to the extremely high divorce rate, is the reality that American women cannot seem to grasp: American men are working for their families. They want a partner to do the same; not to the exclusion of a career, but there should be no question about family being the first priority overall.

So, are Russian and American women a perfect match? A lot of Russian women and American men seem to think so. There an incredible 350 websites devoted to introducing marriage-minded Western men, primarily American men, to foreign women, and the divorce rate for American and Russian marriages is only 6%! Go figure!