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» Mail Order Brides: Are These Women Real?
By Russian Brides | Published 11/11/2005 | Mail Order Brides |

"Mail Order Brides" and, by extension, "Russian Brides", are negative terms. They are extremely loaded by the stereotype of poverty-stricken women who exploit men's sexual and emotional needs to obtain money or a green card to the United States . Numerous scams have been exposed that enforce the negativity; there were men who posted photographs of models and then asked their mail order clients for money. Other times, it has come to light that the women whose profiles appeared on mail-order sites were being sold off by their relatives. Sometimes, women genuinely posted to find a husband but were then manipulated by American men for sex.

» Why do Russian women search for a foreign husband?
By Russian Brides | Published 11/12/2005 | Russian Women |

Most people question the motives of women looking for marriage-minded men abroad. ?Are these women for real?? They ask. Or are they after money and an immigration status. Men wonder that so many beautiful, young women, with careers and educations, are still looking to start a family early on. It?s certainly a natural question: why are Russian women looking for a foreign husband? Surely, if they really have conservative values and want families, there are plenty of Russian men available who share, not only these values, but the cultural heritage as well. The reality is quite different...

» Why do so many American men turn to Russia for love?
By Russian Brides | Published 11/14/2005 | Dating Advice |

For many of the same reasons that Russian women search for a partner in the US , American men are driven to search for a Russian wife. Not only does America have a high divorce rate, but there are a proportionally high number of single men and women in the country. The marriage rate has also declined somewhat over the years. For American men who are interested in marriage, this outlook in the homeland is bleak. As American society values hard work and career success, it is increasingly difficult for the marriage-minded minority to find a suitable partner.

» Russian Brides Invade America
By Russian Brides | Published 11/15/2005 | Russian Brides |

Russian mail order brides is a term used to refer to Russian women who seek foreign men with the purpose of long-term relationship or marriage. Questing for beautiful Russian mail order brides is not something that has emerged recently, it is a phenomenon that has existed all over the world for many years. It is estimated that in the last decade approximately 150,000 Russian women have emigrated to the United States alone with the purpose of marriage.

» An Introduction to Online Dating...
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Online Dating |

Since the dawn of the internet more and more people have done their work and play on-line. Online dating sites, from J-Date and American Singles , to eHarmony , have sprung up all over the place. Thousands, perhaps millions of people, are members of these sites, and hundreds visit the sites regularly to find a date, a long-term partner; even a marriage partner, from amongst the sites members. Does online dating really work?

» Russian women and American men: a perfect match?
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Russian Women |

Women who apply for marriage on Loversplanet are generally educated, professional, financially stable. They are not, as the stereotyping might suggest, poverty-stricken, miserable women, desperate to escape terrible and dark situations.

They are looking for Prince Charming, but he doesn?t have to fight off any dragons!

» Russian Scam versus American Sex Tourism
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Russian Dating |

Every man and woman considering marriage via an online dating service is aware of the negative press associated with the process. Over the years, as Russian Brides exploded onto the international stage, a large number of fake agencies were discovered. Of course, these cases received extremely negative press coverage.

Women were also manipulated and scammed on many occasions. This too has received a lot of attention. Sex tourism thrives in Eastern European and Asian countries particularly. Unfortunately, men, typically American, use marriage agencies to become acquainted with any number of women in a particular country. They convince these women that their purpose is marriage, and travel out to meet them; the women never hear from the men again.

» Avoid Scam: Do Not Send Cash to Your Russian Bride!
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Russian Dating |

Both men and women have been involved in scams to convince American men to send money to their impoverished ?Russian Brides?. The reality is that Russia is no longer a poor country. The average quality of life is extremely high, so scammers tended to focus on men who were not so really aware of this. It?s time to wise up.

» Meeting Your Russian Bride in Person: Coming to Russia or Inviting Her Over
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Russian Brides |

You?ve corresponded with a Russian woman for some time. The time isn?t important as you both believe you?re a match. You just want to meet each other and decide once and for all. So, what do you do? Should she visit you in America or should you travel to Russia ?

» Who are these Russian women that seek marriage?
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Russian Women |

You?ve been curious about the four W?s for some time: that?s who, what, where, and why, all referring to Russian Brides. You can see that most of the Single Russian Women on are beautiful. Many of them are young, in their twenties and thirties, and looking for marriage, and oftentimes husbands that are several years older. Naturally, you?re still wondering about who these women are?

» How to choose a bride among thousands of profiles
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Dating Advice |

Tons of letters. Tons of replies. How many more letters before you find your perfect match? Three steps for finding your Russian bride.

» The Steps to Meeting Russian Women Online
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Dating Advice |

So, you?ve decided to go ahead and check out marriage-minded Russian women. After all, you?d say you?re marriage-minded too! The good news is that you will be able to build a happy relationship with a Russian woman if you maintain the right attitude and approach; if you are serious about establishing a stable and happy family life for yourself, you are already making a good choice.

Wondering how to make the first move? It?s never been so easy! Find out why?

» The Twilight Zone of Love and Marriage
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Online Dating |

Tarot cards, astrology, palm readings cold hard science? But can any of these lead you to your soul mate? In an age driven by science and technology, it?s hardly surprising that the mystical, the metaphysical, has a hold on people?s imaginations. With all that we do know and do control nowadays, we are ever more aware of what we don?t know and can?t control; which includes human thoughts, destiny, feelings, and emotions to a large extent.

Probably, everyone has read the horoscope section of their local newspaper at least once. Most people are aware of their star sign, even if they know very little about what it denotes about their character. The majority of people can also figure out other people?s star signs from their birthdays, suggesting that astrology, at least, has a very secure place in our lives.

» Long-distance relationship: Lover?s Guide on how to handle your affairs
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Dating Advice |

Long-distance relationships are no picnic. Anyone will tell you this, and you may already have experience. They are difficult to maintain under the best of circumstances, but anyone interested in a Russian bride must maintain an online distant relationship, anywhere from a few weeks to several months.

» Help! I found my perfect match in a scam list!
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Russian Brides |

What to do if you find your bride on a scam list. How to stay calm and find the truth.

Ok, she?s perfect; beautiful, intelligent, devoted?and she?s on a scam list. Of course it is something to be worried about, but try your best to be rational; think about how you might approach the situation ? not to end the relationship yet, that might not be necessary ? but to get to the bottom of the situation. We?ll discuss your options.

» Crossed Wires? Your first phone call to a Russian woman. A daunting prospect?
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Russian Women |

At some point your virtual relationship has to venture into the real world. The easiest and most appropriate route is a phone call. Not only does a phone call to your Russian bride make the relationship more tangible ? you can hear her voice, for one thing ? arranging a phone call is a pretty sure way of warding off potential scammers, as they rarely answer phone calls or, for that matter, give out phone numbers.

» ?Roses are Red; Violets are Blue? and I bought these just for you!?
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Russian Brides |

When men have girlfriends ? steady ones ? it is still a fairly common practice, (and one that?s definitely acceptable to women) to purchase trinkets for them (not often considered as such by men), love tokens and such like. Obviously, if you don?t live close to each other, you have something of a unique situation, however, there are ways around the problem.

» Romeo meet Juliet... A Match Made In Heaven
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Dating Advice |

You trawled through the mountains of messages and found a couple of women you liked; you liked their pictures and their profiles. You wrote to them, and they responded. The correspondence continued for some time, but you decided that you liked one of the women particularly and wanted to see if you could start a romance. How to tell whether you?ve met your perfect match?

Perhaps you traveled to Russia and met this woman; you met her family and friends, and became part of her life in a real way. Still, you both want to take things slowly, getting to know each other properly. So, back in your country, you continue to write and talk on the phone. Do you have sufficient information to make a decision whether you have met your perfect match?

» I have found my Russian Bride, I know she is the one, what do I do next?
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Russian Brides |

Congratulations first of all; finding the love of your life is no easy task. We have simply provided you with the tools, and you made the right effort. Finding a perfect match online is a great achievement. Regardless, you should be deliriously happy about the decision you?ve made to commit. Now you have to do everything right. You are on your way to creating a happy family!

» Bound for Russia
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Travel to Russia |

A time will come when both you and your Russian bride decide that it?s right for you to meet. Every couple is different, so there?s no way of predicting when you?ll both feel comfortable with taking this step. Of course, you can invite your bride to visit you, but the reality is that you are in a much better position to travel. It?s often difficult for a Russian lady to obtain a visa, especially to the United States , and paying a ?friend at the embassy? to help her out simply doesn?t work. Besides, traveling to Russia is a wonderful experience and you should make the most of the opportunity before you familiarize yourself with your bride?s culture. Remember there?s a purpose to your visit.

» Russian girls vs. American girls
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Russian Dating |

Meeting girls in Russia to date... what you should know in advance of meeting your Russian bride.

» Dating in Russia... Why It?s A Refreshing Change
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Russian Dating |

Traveling to Russia is a wonderful experience. There are a number of factors that can make it really worthwhile for a single, marriage-minded man who is interested in finding a Russian bride. You don?t necessarily need to have a particular lady to visit in Russia , as it is quite easy to meet women to date, although, of course, there are a number of reasons why it is advantageous to have started your relationship with a Russian lady online. Nonetheless, here?s some good news about dating Russian women.

» US Immigration: K-1 Fiancée Visa
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Russian Brides |

Fortunately US immigration doesn?t need to be a complicated process. And it?s possible, under current regulations, for you and your spouse to file for immigration papers either before or after your marriage. Read about what you and your Russian Bride Need to Know, Do, and Avoid!

» This land was made for you and I - Introducing your Russian bride to America
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Russian Brides |

You are united with your Russian bride at last! You are starting your new life together in America . It?s all very exciting for both of you, but there are a few pitfalls you need to beware of, and plenty of things you can do to help your Russian bride adjust to life in America .

» American Singles and the World of Online Dating!
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Online Dating |

Writing a personal ad and responding to one is something that only a handful of people did in an age when personals were strictly offline. You probably didn?t even respond to one then. Nowadays, though, online dating is soaring as an industry, and almost everyone has responded to a personal ad via the internet, even if they?ve never taken the step to post one themselves. You may have responded to a few dozen and posted one or two yourself.

» Mailing It In: Mail Order Brides and the Future of Dating
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Mail Order Brides |

Your encounter with Russian women via online dating is likely to have been a positive one, even if it has not yet resulted in marriage. You?ll certainly have learned a few refreshing truths about mail order brides; the majority of the women aren?t crazy, exploited, unstable, poor, or desperately unhappy, as the stereotype suggests. They?re just looking for a life partner ? and so are you.

» There?s Nothing Like A Shot-Gun Wedding to Get Your Blood Riling...
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Dating Advice |

A shot-gun wedding in Las Vegas has its appeal ? it?s fast, it?s fun and it?s unforgettable! You can plan the occasion, signing up for a wedding package that can cover everything from the dress, tux, reception, flowers, and Elvis! You can even have a trip over Vegas in a helicopter. You can be entirely spontaneous and walk into a chapel.

» Honeymooners: Where and How to Have the Time Of Your Life!
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Dating Advice |

Whether you prefer a beach or a bustling city, there are plenty of places you can go for a wonderful and unforgettably romantic experience as newlyweds... Find out more here.

The whole notion of honeymooning is changing, according to various researchers. Everyone knows the original notion: the honeymoon was a newly-wed couple?s chance to get to know each other and have a private, romantic time together before heading back to the reality of day-to-day work and responsibilities. Nowadays, with the demographics of married couples changing, the whole concept of the honeymoon is changing as well.

» Behind Every Great Man, There Has To Be A Great Russian Woman
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Russian Women |

[A Russian proverb and, more famously,] A line from an Annie Lennox and Aretha Franklin song, beloved by modern women and fans of "The First Wives" Club? (one to rent for your wife in years to come!). But let?s take a look at some of the great Russian and Ukrainian women standing, not behind, but besides, foreign men, giving their all!

» Russian Brides Defined
By Russian Brides | Published 11/26/2005 | Russian Brides |

You've been through relationships. You've been in love. But you still haven 't found that special someone. Sound familiar? You' re not alone. With social conventions as broken as they are, it 's more difficult than every to meet potential spouses. It 's only a matter of time before those with computers and the internet search on the dating websites for mail order brides. Love could be a click away.

» Dating Hot Russian and Sexy Ukraine Brides
By Russian Brides | Published 10/10/2006 | Russian Brides |

Hot Russian brides are girls from Eastern Europe ( Ukraine , Russia , etc) that seek men abroad for marriage and family. Foreign men who show interest in a Russian woman may do so for two main reasons:

  • Photo browsing - they see a Russian mail order bride as an interesting buzz keyword and a free online Russian brides photo gallery is certainly something worth browsing during the office hours.
  • Most of beautiful russian brides have strong family values and a serious attitude to a committed long-term relationship.

» Russian Dating Agencies and Brides
By Russian Brides | Published 10/11/2006 | Russian Dating |

How do Russian dating agencies work? There are three major types of agencies:

  1. Multi-region Russian dating services that market their service directly to Russian women
  2. Traditional, old-fashioned marriage agencies that usually operate in small local segment
  3. Russian dating networks that do little direct marketing, instead they integrate the work of local, traditional dating agencies and use their profiles as their own